Thursday, September 12, 2013

Love this!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Don't forget about our new PTO Facebook Page!!!! 

Swing by and like us to keep up with what great things are going on this year at 
Southampton Academy!! 

Everything from Blue Friday reminders, events taking place on campus and event what's new 
in the Spirit Shop!

Pizza Hut Book It Program

Lower School will be participating in the Pizza Hut Book It Program this year!!!

 This is something I have never done here, but have participated in before at another school I taught at. I am really excited to be adding this for our super readers!!

We will participate from Prek 3- 6th grade. 

Our main goal is to see how many minutes we can read as a whole!!

So I also challenge you as parents to pick up and good book and read along with us!!!

Let me know what you are reading!! :)