Friday, December 17, 2010

Duck and Cover

This past Monday, December 13th, this is the sight I saw in our courtyard about 10 am.

We had an added treat that day of snow! All the way to school and most of the morning.

High School and Middle School took their break in the snow burning off some pre-exam jitters and stress!

Read Them and Weep

Well, not weep. This has beent he sight you have seen in our Library for almost the past 2 weeks! Ahhhh, new books - sort of does make your a little teary eyed. :)

I must say we have had some pretty excited super readers floating around this place so there might have been some tears of joy. (Probally from a few 6th graders who snuck in a bought the next 2 Book Club Books!)

We just packed it all up Wednesday.
I want to thank all the parents and grandparents who jumped in and helped. I couldn't have done it without you. (Especially since Madison decided to get sick the 2nd day of the fair - 1st time all year chose now - ha!)
The Book Fair was a HUGE success and we sold right over the amount we sold last spring!! So we have a nice pile of books to add to our collection.
Thanks again and I hope Santa brings you a book of your choice too!