Wednesday, July 12, 2017


So through the Instagram thing I met Kate at The Loud Library. She started a group to review all sorts of Literature .... Children's, Middle School & YA ..... and I get to be apart of that .... to say that I am honored and excited is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!!   She makes me want to be a better reader and Librarian .. to push the envelop and think outside the box. If you get a chance pop over to her BLOG and check out some of the amazing books she has read!! 

PS - I also do some reading for NetGalley - which I love as well!!! 

Professional Development on my Own

So last summer I created an Instagram account for myself .... just for teachery and library type stuff. I am totally a visual person so I figured some fun pictures would inspire me in my teaching. Well it did ... I got ideas after ideas and found some I passed along to friends as well. I see ideas I wish I had time for , some I wish I had resources for and also simple pick me up inspiration on days I'd rather be in bed with the covers over my head. 

The one thing I found that I NEVER in my wildest dreams did I find was FRIENDS!!! Friends from around the world that face the same things I do and then some. I found people who got what I felt about being a Librarian and teacher. They understood what it was like to spend a day with amazing children and children who would need an extra push and encouragement. 

If you have not ever thought about searching out a group on Instagram to help make you a better person, mother, teacher, wife, leader, friend ..... take a minute to search out some hashtags of what inspires you. You just might find some people that make your life a little richer and FUN!!!